Sunday, September 23, 2007

Below is a comment I sent to IE regarding the organization's threat to use a member of the LGBT community for---nothing more than using a similar name for this website--
Yes Immigration Equality was threatening a lawsuit against someone for creating a website to bring awareness about our situation. What could it hurt? I sent a comment to the organization in response to this individual's email and it was not approved. Below is my comment:
Hello,Your message to the ImmigrationEqualityMembers group was not approved. The owner of the group controls the content posted to it and has the right to approve or reject messages accordingly.In this case, your message was automatically rejected because the moderator didn't approve it within 14 days. We do this to provide a high quality of service for our users.A complete copy of your message has been attached for yourconvenience.Thank you for choosing Yahoo! Groups
What IE does not have anything better to do than threaten a LGBT citizen with a lawsuit?
A better target would be the federal government and DOMA!!! This is the most outrageous notion I have seen in a while. A lawsuit simply because a citizen has chosen to create a venue to speak out against the sickening discrimination of the US government. Come on IE can't we make better use of the resoures?
Well IE this is my blog and I will post whatever I want to especially if it pertains to the situation of GLBT citizens and our fight for equal treatment.


Anonymous said...

If you reserch a little deeper in this kind of organizations directory you'll find mostly lawyers that use this screen to catch clients. In inmigration equality you'll find Mr. Soloway...

Anonymous said...